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Wichita Skylarks Soaring Association was organized in 1982 for the purpose of bringing to the Wichita community modern State-of-the-Art soaring equipment. Eight families established the organization and brought to Wichita a new high performance two-place sailplane designed and manufactured by I.C.A. Brasov, Romania and identified as an IS-32 Lark. The association currently has two aircraft (both two-place), a German, Grob G-103 Acro and a Romanian, IS-28-B2 Lark.

Both aircraft are based and flown primarily out of the Wichita Gliderport, 1 ½ miles east of Greenwich Road on 45th St. North, adjacent to Wichita on the northeast side. Prospective members include those involved in the sport of soaring to the extent they are considering acquiring their own sailplane. For membership information contact Bob Holliday, president, at 316-641-6178 or 316-733-5403.

This link active as of 4/15/09 this

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Published and maintained by Jerry Boone, Hutchinson, KS